Sunday, 4 May 2014

Kim il-Sung

Kim il-Sung


Born: 15th April 1912, Mangyondae, Korea
Died: 8th July 1994 (82), Pyongyang, DPR of Korea
Leader of the DPR of Korea from the nation's founding on the 9th September 1948 to his death on the 8th July 1994.

In this series of blogs I will be covering the dress etiquette of various historical and current figures.
In this blog I am covering the former Supreme Leader of the DPR of Korea, now Eternal President of the DPR of Korea, Generalissimo Kim il-Sung.


While a controversial figure of history being the founder of one of the most infamous and most prolific communist states in history. He will go down in history as one of the most controversial figures of communist history with the likes of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin and Mao Zedong. 
Kim il-Sung like Stalin did many good things as well as many bad things, the good things he did was build up the DPR of Korea to match their Republic of Korea rivals to the point of surpassing them in the 1970s when the north's economy actually surpassed that of the south. 
Another thing that people don't know that during the 60s and 70s the ROK was a brutal dictatorship and was ruled with an iron fist by Park Chung-hee until he was assassinated in 1979, the current ROK government is the sixth republic in its history while the DPRK has remained the same throughout its history. Kim il-Sung was also a stronger advocate for reunification than the South at the time and went as far to start a war with secret support of the Soviet Union and support of the People's Republic of China in which he occupied almost the whole of the South in a very short space of time, however, it came at the price of UN intervention in which the North was forced back to the 38th Parallel and eventually signed the Armistice agreement which ended the fighting but not the war as the two countries are still technically at war. Kim il-Sung was and is a very controversial character of history with good aspects that shouldn't be ignored and bad aspects that shouldn't be forgotten.

Main Article

Kim il-Sung was a man who I believe had great taste in dress, although he had the strange habit of matching every colour to his suit, even his shoes, however, despite this he had some very good looks.
In the photos and videos I have seen of him he seemed to favour patch pockets on his jackets which is usually a features of a blazer, he chose to wear a fur lined overcoat in the winter with a fur ushanka, he also wore panamas in the summer, he also seemed to like baker boy caps and I have seen him wearing a grey fedora matching his suit. As well as wearing regular shirt and tie suits he also wore the famous Mao suit. His son Kim Jong-il did not follow in his etiquette footsteps and never wore a shirt and tie instead he favoured his jumpsuits and Mao suits.

Thanks for reading, any feedback would be appreciated.

His styles


Way of the Suit

Here's a little introduction

I have an enormous interest in suits and have decided to express my interest in suits to anyone who is interested in looking at this blog. I will cover anything to do with suits things such as commenting on figures and their dress etiquette. I hope you will enjoy your time here.



The Suit Man